Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Congratulations My Fellow Americans we are Socialists

In almost 20 years after the collapse of the USSR, the USA joins its former enemies.
All the wars we fought in the 20th century were against forms of government with central control, Nazi/Marxist, Socialist, Communist. Our enemies, the world wars, the cold war, all those Americans giving their lives to save "The land of the free and the home of the brave!" So what do we do now? We have elected the worst president in the history of our country. This president has forced the American people to surrender their freedom, and cares only for his history making bill, and agenda. Freddy Engels and Karl Marx got nothing on this guy Obama.

Now you might be saying, "How does nationalized health insurance make us socialist?" The answer lies in the words of a former president, before he was president he was an actor. Ronald Reagen said these words, "The American people would never vote for socialism, but under the name of liberalism the American people will adopt every fragment of a socialist program." Listen to him here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRdLpem-AAs

He goes on,"One of the traditional methods of imposing socialism on a people is by means of medicine... if we can only get our foot in the door then we can expand the program after that."

Well my fellow Americans there ya have it. If you have the guts to read economics, read "The Road to Serfdom" by F. A. Hayek, where all this is spelled out in tremendous detail. Hayek will tell you the inefficiencies of socialism and why it always fails, like the USSR we will cripple ourselves from the inside out.

A piece of history to put this in context, what did those o'll guys think about this?
On March 23, 1777, Patrick Henry, later a noted Anti-Federalist, declared "Give me Liberty or give me Death!" Nationalized health insurance is that very thing, death. What more power does a government need over its people than to decide who lives and who dies? Based on price, race, gender, looks, or political/economic views? Who knows what the criteria will be. If its the latter i wont last long.

What does this mean for being economically sound?
A little extreme? Something we could use more of. My fellow countrymen we have a duty to protect this free land we love to live in, from enemies foreign and domestic. Take a stand, tell your friends send letters to your representatives, if they don't do something the next election will give them the boot. Perhaps we need to start a march to Washington from coast to coast, collect people as we go united against big government. Against govt. being 1/6 of our nations economy, against being forced to purchase insurance, against the ROBBERY OF OUR LIBERTY!

This would be hip, this would be American, this is the kind of statement we desperately need to make!

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