Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Obama's approval

Barak Hussein Obama's approval rating has drooped below 40%.
Obama blames "conservative" new casters like Glen Beck. There is an outside chance it could perhaps be the high unemployment, health insurance, debt/deficit, or the expansion of federal government?

What is my reaction? Only that much? I have met the 1, maybe 2% that approve of him. There might be 30% hypnotized by his election, but anyone who watches the news, his press conferences, and is an American they have to come to grips with where America is.
In reality i don't care how many people approve of Obama, or actually think he has a clue about one part of his job. Opinion aside the only thing so far he has actually accomplished is passing forced health insurance on Americans. Using 0% transparity, and using a dirty illegitimate vote, discredits the process of law and alienates the majority of Americans.

As a point of wonder, has Obama supplied his birth certificate yet? I still don't believe he has proved his citizenship.

What does this mean for being economically sound?
If you approve of Obama, what is it that you approve of and why? What has he done that you like, other than getting elected in the first place? Ohh yeah and "i just like him" doesn't count. Please reply, comment, contest, or agree.
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