Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Big Government + Universal Health (insurance) = Efficiency (Not!)

“Barak Obama wants universal health care, health care for the entire universe, isn’t that a little much for the American tax payer?” -SNL

There is a reason Americans across the country are incensed, at this proposition. Comedy aside, Americans are having enough trouble trying to make ends meet, forget getting ahead. Obama’s proposed health care (actually govt. insurance) would be the dagger in the heart of a hurting America. California is at the point of desperation, because of their careless spending.
This reminds me of a quote from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings; “The quest now stands on the edge of a knife Stray just a little and it will fail.”
We can make it out of this, if we can get the federal government to stop spending money that we don’t have. We the American taxpayers are all in serious debt, and the feds are looking to increase it. Look at the widgets on this site to see for yourself.

When you find yourself in debt, would you be more conservative in your spending, and pinch every penny in order to get yourself out of it? Or would you keep spending, or spend more because the debt seemed un-payable? This is a mentality of our federal government at the moment.

Spending who’s hard earned money?
Don’t buy into the idea of the “Government’s money.” It all comes from the American taxpayer, and the debt is our liability. This is our hard earned dollars, not magic cash from somewhere over the rainbow. Where is consumer protection, or children’s rights? The debt is a burden that will be passed down to the coming generations. Do tomorrow’s children have the right, not to be born indebted for what our generation was careless on spending?

What does this mean for our economy?
In a world obsessed with being green, and leaving our world healthy for its children of the future, the old green dollar is being abused. Will there be any wealth left in American two generations from now? Anything left for your grandchildren to inherit? Or will they be inheriting a liability, born into debt? These are the unfortunate truths we have to face in this day and age. The choice: to be frugal and fruitful, or failed and in fear of the future.

I apologize if this post seems harsh, reality sometimes is.

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